Re: password backdoors

Randy Rasmussen (
Thu, 11 May 1995 08:27:46 -0500

> Dear all,
> On the subject of back doors. I have an old Apollo box
> running Domain 10.4.1
> and lost the password for root, the only account. I could
> not get back in and in the end had to re-install as I could
> not break in. A short time later I told this story to the
> HP service engineer who said that I should have given him a ring
> as they have a way to get in ! He would not tell me anything
> about how this would be done.
> Can anyone enlighten me further into how this would be
> done and if such back doors exist in other operating
> systems.
> Thanks.
> Lyndon

I have ran in to that problem on a solaris machine before.
And I am guessing that it can be done on an HP also.?!
What you do is boot to a cdrom (like you are going to install it)
and then openwindows will come up (in root), then you just
open up a cmdtool like any other time, mount /etc to /mnt or /a
and then edit the passwd file, reboot and you are back to normal.

  /		I'm off like a prom dress «	    \
  |                                                 |
  | Randy L. Rasmussen        American Airlines     |
  |           4333 Amon Carter Blvd |
  | Phone : (817)967-9242     MD 5547,              |
  | FAX   : (817)773-0833     Fort Worth, TX 76155  |